

GB0302 clip nylon cloth

Specifications: 20 ~ 80mmX500 ~ 2000mm
Performance: with middle pressure, strong tensile strength, small deformation
Usage: punching seals, rings, used as light conveyor belt of strong demanding work environment
Parameters: compound feed production according to customer requirements, the proportion of common requirements: 1.4 to 1.6; Tearing: 3.5Mpa; Elongation: 200%; Hardness: 70 ° ± 5 °
Color: According to customer request may be
Packing: bags 50Kg / roll, 100 Kg / volume or length of packaging according to customer requirements
GB0301 clip gauze sheet
Gauze mesh density: 7 × 15 / inch, 15 × 15 / inch, sandwich: 1 ~ Layer;
GB0302 clip nylon sheet
Density: 15 × 15 / inch sandwich: 1 to several layers;
GB0303 clip stainless steel mesh sheet
Stainless steel mesh density and diameter specified by the customer, the sandwich: 1 to 2 layers
GB0304 clip copper mesh sheet
Density and wire diameter specified by the customer, the sandwich: 1 to 2 layers
Contact Us

Company name: Nanjing Gubai rubber and plastic products Co., Ltd
Contact: Mr. Zhang
Tel: 13913357636
Wechat contact: 13913357636
Email contact: 1425214787@qq.com
Address: No. 18, Huashan Road, economic development zone, Gaochun District, Nanjing

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